Welcome to My Content Closet Training
Do you struggle with what to share on Instagram to ATTRACT your ideal customers?
Take the guesswork out with strategies that will SAVE time!
So that you can CONNECT with your customers!
My name is Karla and I am here to help guide you through this process so that it can be easy and manageable for you. What have you got to lose?!
This Mini-Course is designed to give you tools and strategies to get you into posting action immediately.
WHAT to share and HOW to share it with a simple, easy-to-follow guide and video training..
How to create YOUR AUTHENTIC content strategy with this Content Closet Guide.
To Share messaging that is relevant and valuable for your audience.
To have fun on Instagram posting consistently with lots of ideas of what to share.
How to spark engagement, so that your posts get response AND more reach.
Connect with your ideal customers so that you can have the conversations that lead to sales.
Grow your online community, one post at a time.
Be the known-for person in your niche.
My Content Closet is designed to make it EASY and MANAGEABLE to know WHAT TO SAY and HOW TO SAY IT on Instagram!
Short Video Trainings introduce each module and walk you through HOW to create YOUR Content Closet and Posting Plan.
Instagram is visual that's why I've included a BONUS on Visual Style so that you can create a Visual Style that is consistent with YOUR brand combined with Content that will appeal to your Customers.
And making it easier to implement is always my goal for you, so you have access to my PLanoly Planning Guide BONUS.
With this Content Closet Training
I can't wait to have you in the class!